Minutes 02/05/13

– hidden perspectives – the time budgeted for our work on the project has needed extending in the lead up to the festival and also in terms of taking on additional work in june and july to start planning the december concert. a further claim will be processed to be paid into our account. the schedule is coming together. ladiy will put together a post for the blog about the evening performers and hannah will write up an article to post to the f word.

– off the shelf – started filling in application form for grant to help fund event. charlotte will check about the possibility of using showroom cafe or harland cafe. need to clarify details with louise.

– relationships discussion group – charlotte will send around a message to pull together starting questions to think about, need to sort out venue. will look into university room and contact womens soc.

– rooms at quaker meeting house – discussed the need for a quiet space and additional rooms. cara will email QMH to see if they have any additional spaces not usually available for hire, otherwise will consider options to split between floors. could also look at rooms at the octagon, hannah will enquire about viewing.

– steven simpson – charlotte raised possible action/awareness/fundraising following on from discussions at NCAFC. agreed we would be keen to be involved but perhaps after hidden perspectives.

– trash kit show – dates tbc, cara to chase emails.

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