Workshops Handout

Information about the Workshops at LaDIYfest Sheffield 2011

Feminism and Bereavement by Sally Hyman
Following the death of my long-term partner I have been on the road of bereavement and have come across patriarchal behaviour which has made me realise this is a little discussed experience which we will all face at some time in our lives but which we are unprepared for. The workshop will take be an opportunity to hear about patriarchy in the bereavement process as I have experienced it and then time to discuss people’s ideas. The aim is simply to provide opportunity to raise awareness and improve our own understanding of how patriarchy treats the bereaved and perhaps give participants a chance to prepare themselves for when bereavement strikes.

Look at Me! Images of Women & Ageing by Naomi Richards
Aiming to take a feminist approach to visual representations of older women. The objectives are to make people more conscious of the age dimension of the visual imagery which they see (or don’t see, because older women so often absent from visual media) by looking at and discussing images of older women from the media (magazines, newspapers, TV) and popular culture (film, art). Thinking about the kind of messages those images give out, how do they affect how older women experience old age, or how younger women anticipate older age. Discussing the potential for alternative representations – what would these be, and what messages would they communicate?

Self Defence Basics with Helen Knight
I will be talking through different scenarios, how to deal with different situations and help people to have a better understanding of how techniques can be used instead of strength to protect themselves.

`Hey Love`- Street Harassment Today by Hollaback! West Yorkshire
To raise & discuss issues surrounding street harassment, its history, the wider world-wide issues of it, what we at Hollaback! & other groups are doing about it, to share experiences, discuss how we manage it and spend some time on how we can move forward. A fun, interactive, creative & interesting look at the issues & what can be done about them for women & girls.

Trans Women’s Lives and a Feminist Fit by Carol Robson
Issues for Trans women through coming out and finally to transition (treatment, surgery, law etc). Views of feminist writers and former Woman-born Women-Only groups with Q&A session at the end.

Women’s Liberation Music Archive with Deborah Withers
This workshop will be an opportunity for people to listen and share responses to music collected for the Women’s Liberation Music Archive, an online blog archive collecting material relating to the music-making activities of the Women’s Liberation Movement (1970-1990). The archive, which is curated by Frankie Green and Deborah Withers, was launched in May 2011 and contains some of the most interesting feminist music you have never heard of.

Zubaidah Belly Dance Troupe led by Lynne Fletcher
A short practical demonstration of traditional styles of dancing followed by an opportunity to have a go at some of the moves.

Forging Feminist Futures by Marian Duggan
This workshop aims to address some of the criticisms levelled at feminism over the past decade in order to see how today’s feminists (of all genders) need to proceed in order to achieve shared objectives. Topics to be discussed include exploring the role of men in feminism; new directions in preventing domestic and sexual abuse; promoting feminism to young people. There will be a strong focus on engaging the thoughts and views of those in attendance, as well as providing a space to talk through diverse or different perspectives on the aforementioned topics. The workshop will also be promoting a Charity Football Event in aid of the Janus Project/White Ribbon Day, to be held on Saturday 26 November. This event is aimed at getting more men involved in initiatives designed to prevent violence against women.

Sexual Exploitation by ASHIANA and SWWOP
A talk from ASHIANA, who work with women who have been trafficked into the UK for the purpose of sexual exploitation, and SWWOP, who work with women exploited through on-street prostitution, about the impacts of exploitation and how they work to support women who have experienced trauma.

Gender and Sexuality in Contemporary Advertising by Katie Edwards
The aim of the workshop is to encourage media literacy in participants and raise awareness of the persistent representations of gender and (hetero)sexuality in contemporary advertising. During the session advertising theory will be introduced before small groups analyse a selection of advertisements for their ‘readings’ of the way gender and sexuality are presented.

Open Space by Clare Raido
An opportunity for connecting and relating with each other facilitated by Clare Raido. Clare is a counsellor and psychotherapist, passionate about creating spaces where we can find together possibility for living and breathing our dynamic diversities.

Women of Steel: The Film
A film about women in Sheffield’s role in the war effort. A group of students meet with a group of women who lived and worked in Sheffield during World War II and talk to them about their experiences of replacing and joining the male workforce, living through the Sheffield Blitz and watching their loved ones go off to war.

Anarcha-Feminism by Kayleigh Ward
An introduction covering the basics of the movement and its activity in Sheffield.

Closing Discussion Panel
A chance for all attendees, participants and organisers to come together and discuss the afternoon and LaDIYfest Sheffield and where we all want to take the Feminist Fight in our city in the future.

SRASACS – A personal response to violence against women
A photographer will take photos of eyes, ears or mouth with a card frame to decorate in words/pictures. Ongoing throughout afternoon.

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