Minutes 26/09/11

meeting 26th september- film fundraiser. oct 9th = beyond beats and rhymes. charlotte has set up facebook event and wordpress updated with details. still querying a short film to show alongside – ‘yeah yeah yeah’ (cara) or mens interview project (charlotte) or ‘what she wants’ (tom). to send links to email list and discuss further. again raised issues about how to publicise and licensing concerns but no decisions reached.- showroom screening. still in talks re which film might be best to show, cara to forward emails from joan to the list to discuss further. consider alternatives?- we are does. charlotte had information but i sadly didnt write down any details that made sense.. to update!

– bike maintenance workshop. anne emailed interested to arrange something. not sure if there will be space at the main event this time but to discuss maybe organising a seperate event together instead. cara will email.

– pandemic. two week project happening in sheffield in early-mid november to do with reclaiming spaces. lots more info on facebook event we will link to. they are keen for us to get involved and to get involved with us in some way. charlotte mentioned the postal project. could we do something impromptu/performance based? something with the zine?

– zine. chella quint very keen to get involved and help out, will email eve. have discussed changing the brief slightly to something like ‘women past, present and future’ just to give people a starting point to think about but doesnt limit people who may already have submitted or got ideas. need to chase up people we know who might like to submit things. need to check with trevor about the status of the printing facilities at snow lane he was setting up and how it would work to photocopy and put together the zine. eve to action??

– bags/patches – check with alex on status of screen and what needs doing about printing – charlotte/fiona to sort??

– freeschool. again discussed with mike the plan to show the’ dont need you’ film and have an intro about ladiyfest, aim for 60-90mins but mike will confirm length and time of slot. plan is to have a stall with cakes? badges, zines, bags to sell and the feminist timeline activity. hazel and sara to take on coordinating this and meet next week to start sorting, all suggestions or ideas to the list for things to include.

– workshops. need to chase outstanding proformas to get back asap. awaited ASHIANA, SWWOP, led discussions (fiona); womb and hooker (cara); sure start (charlotte). mike says the anarcha fem workshop is definitely going ahead and also mentioned workshops about abortion rights and bereavement by people he knows who are interested. cara to send mike proforma to send asap but at this late stage and with what we already have on the table it might be difficult to add in more things to consider. as soon as we get the proformas back we can look at times and see what we can do with the time/space available. may have to suggest doing some at a later date.

– race revolt / bme groups. any updates from eve?

– wordpress. jen has offered to have a look at customising what we have set up. cara to email to sort out.

– zine distro. emily jane graves from leeds is very keen to have a table at croft house in amongst all the stalls with her distro. agreed this would be ace. cara will confirm.

– oct 7th. possible dub/reggae night has been scrapped, all fine. to do at a later date with more time to plan and to let ajah know as well. delia however is doing her night at the harley on thursday ‘murder she wrote’ that we will help plug. also SAF games night before that at new roots from 6pm. ladiyfest social #2!

– second main night event. shakespeare is already booked to this idea has been shelved for now.

– tickets, running orders and program to sort out soon.. hopefully start next week.

– mix cds to chase up tracks.

– finances. croft house deposit now paid. has red house deposit been sorted – fiona?

– press/promo. look at redoing or altering press release. hazel has offered to have a look at this. jen has said she would like to do a radio interview with someone for her bradford show and can try and help set things up in sheffield as she gets more involved in things. cara to chase sam again about now then article and to arrange with sara from now then about meeting up soon. to try and get listings in local newsletters. cara has been in touch with sheff uni lgbt and they will help us with flyers at their prism event on fri and on their email lists. anyone going who can take flyers down?

any amendments or updates please let me know!

next meeting arranged and booked in side room at the bath hotel at 6pm on wednesday 5th october

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