Minutes 09/11/11

minutes from the meeting 9th november

– to contact roger to confirm access to croft house. fiona to sort.
– laptops and speakers, fiona / eve / hannah to bring
– equipment. bass amp, lisa to pick up from alex on saturday. projector from jonny sorted. still need two guitar amps asap.
– bags / patches. alex has made cut out screens to use on bags and patches to have on stall where people can print their own. to message out on fb for people to bring own items if they want. fiona sorting out paint and sponges.
– zine. master copy done. eve to photocopy
– film. decided to show made in dagenham and have discussion about gender pay gap etc. hazel and hannah to sort out a handout. check we have copy of film.
– volunteer rota. all agreed which workshops we wanted to attend and ensured coverage for all along with people to cover stalls and sit on the door and for soundcheck. can be flexible with saturday evening door coverage and sunday
– closing panel. chair to have notes to lead discussion? focus on race/class issues and criticisms of feminist movement. hazel and hannah to look at q&a session. naomi phd to be involved?
– finances. general update about having met all costs previously agreed. potentially costs for belly dancing and chella to meet now but can hop.fully sort with money from cds/zines etc. womb requested payment up front so fiona to sort and cara to ask other bands/performers if they would prefer paying online or in cash.
– tickets. charlotte to collect from rare and racy to see what has sold so we can keep an eye on numbers to sell on saturday.
– djs. jess has had to pull out. suggested asking louie stafford. cara to contact.
– quiz. details from chella, she is sorting out prizes. cara to help print info.
– logistics. agreed meeting at 10am on saturday and those around on friday to meet 3ish to start sorting. put up directions signs etc.

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