Program Intro


Here we are – the first LaDIYfest Sheffield – and in this leaflet you will find all the details you need to know about the line-up and schedule. We’re pretty excited about everything that’s happening and hope you are too. There’s more info on the WordPress and Facebook group where any updates or amendments will be made, so keep checking up on us, and if you have any questions drop us an email, all details below.

We want to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has been involved as a volunteer organiser, as a performer or participant and, most importantly, a massive thank you to everyone who has attended events and supported us along the way. Through all the fundraising we’ve been doing since June we have made enough money to make LaDIYfest happen and cover all our costs in advance, so that means all of the money from tickets and donations on the door will be donated 100% to the Sheffield Rape and Sexual Abuse Counselling Service.

This isn’t over after November 12th and 13th though… We want more people to become inspired to continue fundraising and organising events to bring feminists together in Sheffield, so please continue to keep in touch with us online and get involved and organise things yourself with friends and with people you don’t even really know because that’s the bit that’s most fun!

Thank you again for your support!

LaDIYfest Sheffield  xx (add us as a friend or join our group!)

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