
LaDIYfest (noun) (pron; lay dee aye why fest)

LaDIYfest Sheffield is an inclusive, DIY, anti-capitalist, community-based feminist collective involved with local activism and a range of events and activities, culminating in a weekend of festivities at the end of the year.

We want to create a celebration of women with an emphasis on the artistic, the creative and the political. We oppose the part that capitalism plays in the oppression of women. We want to raise awareness of women’s issues and engage local women with local women’s organisations to create a more equal society for everyone. We will do this by providing a platform to highlight feminist and LGBTQ art, projects and activism through music; performance art; spoken word; films; discussion; art exhibitions and practical workshops, promoting social change in a non-discriminatory environment.

LaDIYfest Sheffield is part of a global movement which grew out of the DIY and Riot Grrrl scenes. Since the first Ladyfest, which was held in Olympia USA in August 2000, feminists worldwide have adopted the name and organised Ladyfests in their own towns. We salute you for inspiring us to continue making this happen.

LaDIYfest Sheffield is organised by a collective of volunteers and led by a bunch of awesome Sheffield feminists but anyone who shares our goals is welcome to get involved.

We hope people of all genders, abilities, ages, ethnicities and sexualities will feel welcome to participate!

2 Responses to Ethos

  1. womandrogyne says:

    Hi, I just wanted to say thank you for such a clearly inclusive policy 🙂 xxx

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