Minutes 01/11/11

– press release. hazel and hannah had uploaded a reworked press release to circulate. some minor amendments discussed and agreed but otherwise ready to send out. hazel will make a start on this. cara will chase kiri / colin at the star.
– pandemic. sadly very little response to enquiries about venue and facilities and too short notice to currate. agreed to send apologies and drop out of arranging anything. hazel will drop them an email.
– tickets. cara brought along tickets she had made. after some discussion it was agreed to try and drop some into rare and racy and carry ourselves, hazel and charlotte to check this out. announcement to be made once details confirmed, otherwise buy on the door. cara will sort out coloured wristbands to hand out at event.
– program. cara has designed layout for fold out a4 program and will make asap ready to photocopy and put details on the wordpress etc. to go alongside double a4 hand out with workshop bios on to hand out at main event so everyone has full details. need bio about anarcha fem workshop and a few others. bios also to go in back of zine. cara has confirmed using downstairs at the rutland for quiz. need to check with tom about mutantes film and possibly consider alternatives.
– bags/patches. alex still having problems with his screen. fiona got quote from josh but sadly too expensive to take on right now. there is an option to have our own screen printed and do it ourselves, fiona to look into a quote (around £20/£30?) and whether alex would be about to help out. alternatively could use bags at workshop if alex is still doing this.
– croft house. arranged a visit on thursday at 6:30. need to check about what we have to put on the walls and exhibit – emmas artwork definitely. will try and pop over to red house after, fiona to pay them the £40 (non refundable) fee for using the space in the afternoon. have access from 1pm until 4pm when soundcheck starts.
– zine. emma is sorting out cover. to check with eve on progress, any idea about costings for photocopying and thoughts on where to do this.
– volunteers for main event. next week need to work out a rota of who can cover where/when and make sure people volunteering during the workshops get breaks to see workshops they want to.
– workshops. cara to chase humaira otherwise will put early afternoon but wont be stand alone. schedules to go on wordpress asap and set up individual facebook events. aim to contact all workshop organisers by the end of the week confirming slots and details. cara sorting out band equipment.
– cds – meeting on sunday to put cds together. womb track potentially 20mins long and still awaiting one or two others. fiona will sort tracklist.
– radio interview. erini came and recorded us all after the meeting talking about ladiyfest, will confirm with her where/when this will be broadcast or available.
next and FINAL meeting before the main event agreed as wednesday 9th november at 6:30 at the rutland arms where we will eat yummy food. cara will see about booking upstairs room.

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